Monday, March 23, 2009

Eighth: Two Takes on a Windy Sunday Morning

Over the weekend, karma finally began kicking in for me as I headed down to Santa Cruz/Aptos to spend Saturday night and Sunday morning in a few seaside villas - courtesy Steffo and her generous family. I'll keep updating with little snippets of what went on down there (e.g. raucous games of birthday mafia and some quality movie programming), but for now I'll make things quick.

I was fiddling with the D200 a fellow journalist happened to bring down for some photo opportunities, and can safely say that I took 200 horrible photos and 2 that I actually like:

The best thing by far about the villas was the proximity to the ocean; you could take a 15-second walk from the door and reach a small cliff that looked over the beach and the entire Santa Cruz coastline. Snapping these photos was a very satisfying way to kick off my Sunday morning.